Intellectual Property Contract Inqueries

For those interested, our company does become involved in different IP contracts to pass distribution and manufacturing to other companies. Depending on the type of contract and the project in question, prices vary widely. The main type of contracts which we deal with are non-exclusive manufacturing/distribution rights, exclusive manufacturing/distribution rights, and HRM subcontracting. For HRM subcontracting, we prefer to make first contact. For both non-exclusive and exclusive manufacturing/distribution rights contracts, please contact for more information.

Currently Solicited Products for Outsourcing/Manufacturing/Distribution contracts

Currently, there are no projects up for specific sale. If any of the products in the preview section specifically interest you and/or your company, please contact for more information.

Intellectual Property Maintained and Held

Pending patents are not listed

Previously we have held the sole rights to the Active Rectifier patent. While this patent has expired at this point, we are capable and ready to develop new intellectual property and license such property to others. Please contact for more information.