This is the location of most of our administrative tasks including book-keeping, as well as the location of our off site back-up. This site while currently very small, is expected to expand considerably in the next several years taking on additional work as necessary. As of 2014, we moved research to this location as well to maintain a single site and as such moved the bulk of our equipment and material here.
This exciting new development occurred in May of 2018 where we partnered up with Elite Custom Solutions to develop and fine tune an electronics production facility in Rochester Minnesota (seperate facility from administration. This facility will allow us to bring new designs from ourselves and for our customers to low and mid-rate production fruition. While the equipment here is not currently listed in our equipment section, soon it will be and it is very exciting.
Currently, our facilities in Scappoose, Oregon have been wound down. We could re-establish here in the future, however for now we have officially left Oregon.